One woman’s journey into whisky…
In recognition of all women who work within the whisky industry – thank you ladies for your pioneering spirit!
A Spirited Australian Journey
Kokoda... who in Australia doesn't know the significance of this place? We decided to give away bottle number one of our American Distilling Institute Best International Whisky trophy winner River's End to five adventurous blokes willing to take on the Kokoda challenge. Whisky was the link for us with these guys. James Marsh a fellow AWAS member, was searching for Australian whisky recommendations through the Australian Whisky Appreciation Society to take on this momentous journey. [...]
When Whisky is Life…
Whisky is life… and just as life weaves its own unique story, so do the whiskies created by distillers. From cask to bottle, stories of whisky continue to be woven into the lives of many... a gift to mark the birth of a child, coming of age, a wedding, or sharing a glass in remembrance of a loved one lost. The intimacy in the spirit of whisky, in centuries old tradition emotively reaches into lives [...]
Australian Women In Distilling
Diversity and balance in any industry is important for its success. The distilling industry while still in its infancy within Australia is changing rapidly. In the next two years many more distilleries will come on line in production of a range of spirits including vodka, gin, whisky and rum. As distilleries increase so too will the diversity of distillers and associated industry partners. In recent years there has been a rise in the number of [...]
Warning: Under the Liquor Licencing Act 1997 (SA) it is an offence to supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years [Penalty exceeds $18,000]; For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor [Penalty exceeds $700]. Words to Whisky supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Liquor License Number: 57607340