I’m a librarian who owns a distillery. Yes you did read that right- books and whisky.
What more could you want on a cold winter’s night (don’t answer that aloud in public btw).
My husband Gareth (head distiller/glasswasher) and I own the Fleurieu Distillery, and after 25 years as a teacher and librarian – it’s time for a change. While I love my Library role, I need to know what’s going on in the distillery from the ground up to support Gareth and to step up if anything happens to him tomorrow …or the next day.
As I learn about whisky from grain to brain I’d love you to travel with me on the unknown path ahead. I don’t know my Laphroig from my Lark from my Lagavulin from my Limeburners, (Gareth says these are distillery names, not sure if he is pulling my leg already) but by the end of this year I will be running the still and making my own cuts unassisted to create my own single malt whisky. It all starts with simply crushing the barley. It can’t be that hard can it?