One woman’s journey into whisky…
In recognition of all women who work within the whisky industry – thank you ladies for your pioneering spirit!
Sometimes the hardest decisions are best made over a cup of tea…
The words in this title certainly rang true for me on my last trip to Melbourne. Over the last 2 years I have been able to immerse myself in a different industry and have a more hands on role in our Distillery. Stepping back from a long term career in teaching and doing something so totally different, has been rewarding in many ways. The final choice and weighing up the decision of what what direction [...]
Pot Still Prep
Long hours, ingenuity and sore knees have paid off! The building of an overlaying floor in preparation for the new still was completed just before the Christmas/New Year and tourist holiday season began. Our current still 'Whisky Kisses' Our long awaited still 'The Fountain of Youth' was ready for shipment just prior to Christmas. Its dimensions are roughly three times larger than our current pot still 'Whisky Kisses'. What this will mean is that the [...]
Nearing Journey’s End
Some have stories to tell at the beginning... others have stories to tell at the end. My grandfather Alex Sinclair and I in Goroka in 1972. River's End bottle number one's story will now always be entwined with past and present. A little over a week ago this international award winning whisky left Australian shores to journey to the Papua New Guinean highlands to accompany James Marsh, Matthew Barham, Patrick Cape, Rory Coyle [...]
Warning: Under the Liquor Licencing Act 1997 (SA) it is an offence to supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years [Penalty exceeds $18,000]; For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor [Penalty exceeds $700]. Words to Whisky supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Liquor License Number: 57607340