One woman’s journey into whisky…
In recognition of all women who work within the whisky industry – thank you ladies for your pioneering spirit!

Barrels of Gratitude #10
The Barrels of Gratitude Series recognises those who have made an impact on our whisky journey. Joining the incredible individuals highlighted so far, Graham Wright and Jose Dymenstein are two amazing characters who have provided both grounding and philosophic direction in what we are trying to achieve. Jose As an importer of quality spirits who has worked extensively to create and curate an exciting collection of spirits available in Melbourne, Jose has been a [...]
Barrels of Gratitude #9
So Gareth got a message from across the miles... Can you come over… and bring whisky? Perth. Perth is apparently the most isolated capital city in the world. Perth? Just try and stop us! These barrels of gratitude are named after some incredible people in the Perth whisky scene... Nathan and Thao DeTienne It was Nathan and Thao, a dynamic husband and wife team, who invited us to WA to be involved in Whisky Freedom. [...]
Barrels of Gratitude #8
Today in our 'Barrels of Gratitude' series we are celebrating friendships. The spirit of whisky is so much more than what is bottled. Whisky celebrates new friendships and friendships that have stood the test of time. Today these barrels are a celebration of Peter Golotta and Aly Roberts... Peter Golotta Design and construction. Photography. Two totally different pursuits with one major thing in common. Creativity. With this barrel we celebrate an unexpected whisky friendship [...]

Warning: Under the Liquor Licencing Act 1997 (SA) it is an offence to supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years [Penalty exceeds $18,000]; For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor [Penalty exceeds $700]. Words to Whisky supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Liquor License Number: 57607340