One woman’s journey into whisky…
In recognition of all women who work within the whisky industry – thank you ladies for your pioneering spirit!

Celebrating Furry Companions
Renovations overseer - Gidget checks out the new deck in 2006 Furry four legged friends in the production area whether it be winery, brewery or distillery are often silent companions in the day to day routine of life. Words don’t readily capture the impact they have on the lives and well-being of those around them. They manage to capture hearts and leave indelible imprints on our very souls. Their significance is portrayed well [...]
Opportunity Knocks
Life is unpredictable. Have you ever looked back at your high school self and life expectations held by that beautiful vibrant youth? Oh my goodness I have. As that fresh faced sixteen year-old, I had aspirations to be a teacher or a librarian and I have been blessed to have achieved those dreams. BUT… and this is a big BUT! If someone had told me I would own and work in a brewery or distillery, [...]
Whisky and Beer Collaboration
Our First Release and the Lobethal Bierhaus' barrel aged Choc Stout from the same barrel. Great things come from collaborations, and this little drop from Alistair and Rose Turnbull is just that. The success of collaborations can mean even more when you have a shared history and friendship. In 2006 when we first opened our doors as a brewery Alistair Turnbull was also in the process of establishing the Lobethal Bierhaus microbrewery and [...]

Warning: Under the Liquor Licencing Act 1997 (SA) it is an offence to supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years [Penalty exceeds $18,000]; For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor [Penalty exceeds $700]. Words to Whisky supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Liquor License Number: 57607340