One woman’s journey into whisky…
In recognition of all women who work within the whisky industry – thank you ladies for your pioneering spirit!

The Journey Begins
Well pilgrims, the journey began with a day in the brew house and mashing in. It was like standing on a step ladder in a giant’s kitchen, stirring thick heavy porridge. A sauna while getting a great upper body and arm work out – my biceps are much more toned 😉 Pete (brewer extraordinaire) and Gareth talked through the process so I could understand the steps but most importantly the changes that need to happen [...]

Warning: Under the Liquor Licencing Act 1997 (SA) it is an offence to supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years [Penalty exceeds $18,000]; For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor [Penalty exceeds $700]. Words to Whisky supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Liquor License Number: 57607340