Early Morning Distillation

We have a bird outside our bedroom window... I'm not sure what kind it is, but it insists on waking everyone around 5 in the morning.  On week days it isn’t so bad as distilling begins early for us on these crisp winter mornings and once you’re up, you do see the best parts of [...]

By |2017-08-28T11:57:25+00:00August 28th, 2017|Whisky Making|Comments Off on Early Morning Distillation

Copper’s Hidden Qualities

Copper stills are gorgeous pieces of human technology.  This beautiful metal has wonderful malleable qualities because of the structure of the atoms within it, enabling to it to be easily fashioned into desired shapes.  In addition to its awesome thermal conductivity, I found out the reason copper is used is that it also has the [...]

By |2017-06-21T01:33:54+00:00June 21st, 2017|Whisky Making|Comments Off on Copper’s Hidden Qualities
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